Tailored training and in-house training on solar PV installation

Custom training solutions

Choose from a wide range of ready-made courses, or let GREEN customise a course to suit your needs or develop a new course from scratch.

Your organisation, your training needs. As an experienced training provider, we can assist you with choosing the right learning and development opportunities for your staff and trainees. Whether you are looking for customised corporate training or training for external groups, we develop a suitable solution with you – for all skills levels.

We have realised in-house, group and custom training around the globe, in countries like Ghana, Togo, Egypt, Somalia, Tanzania, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Germany. Our clients hail from a variety of sectors, including industry bodies, universities, municipalities, electrical wholesalers and solar companies. Read through what we have to offer:

Training for your staff

We offer basic and advanced trainings for any purpose: a solar crash course for the sales team, practical installation training for your new technicians or PV GreenCard training and Assessment for your lead installers and engineers.

You can choose from a wide range of ready-made courses. If none of those fit your requirements, all our courses can be customised to your individual needs or we can develop a new course for you from scratch.

Train inhouse or at one of 5 GREEN branches
Depending on the type of training selected, sessions can either be conducted at your own premises as in-house training or at one of our academies. Especially when practical training is included, training at one of our 5 training locations in South Africa is usually most convenient as we have fully equipped practical workshops at all our branches. Of course, courses can also be split and groups can start with a theoretical training block at their own premises followed by practical training at one of our Academies.

Matching content to requirements
It is important to us that all trainings follow our approach of high quality and relevance in practice, and we therefore put a lot of effort into the development of a course. For every course we first put together a syllabus with elements that logically build upon each other and fit together, and we always keep in mind the target group, background, goals and framework. It is no problem to teach a group of electricians only or a mixed group of salespeople, accountants, engineers and technicians in one room – you just need to know how!

How does your team learn best?




The same applies to our practical training material. We keep all our workshops updated so that participants are able to work with a variety of products and brands, including those technologies that are most used in the market at the moment.

Effective training over mere certificates
We are especially aware that for companies which are just getting started, the expenses of proper training can seem high. So for us it is important that the money our clients spend on training is well invested, and that they can actually see an outcome. The concept of sustainability not only applies to the content but also to the training! Sustainable training means that knowledge actually sticks and can be actively applied – and not just until the final exam is over.

What do others say about our training?

Training for groups

Solar PV is a wide field and so are the training needs. The training needs to accommodate different skills levels and take into account the desired outcomes of the trainees based on the nature of their work, be it financing, sales, design, installation or monitoring and maintenance.

We’ve trained everyone from salespeople to electricians
Professional training for groups is absolutely possible; we have for example trained non-technical salespeople from Masana Petroleum Solutions in the basics of solar energy from a business point of view using our 3-day Solar 101 course. On the other more technical side, we’ve trained a group of 17 qualified electricians on behalf of SAPVIA, focusing on the design, installation and maintenance of PV solar and preparing them for their PV GreenCard Assessment. Read more about what we have to offer for companies in the corporate training section above.

Training for the youth and unskilled labour
For absolute beginners who are hands-on, we have put together a course called Solar Assistant; it is a 4-day on-demand training for groups of 15 to 36 people, which can also be extended to allow more time for learning. This effective programme was developed to train youngsters to be a helpful resource on a construction site and to be able to find an internship or apprenticeship, and from there continue to improve their skills to become a full solar installer. Click here to view the datasheet for the Solar Assistant Course, then get hold of Tsakani on info@solar-training.org to arrange this training for your group.

Basic training with employment opportunities
When training youth or other groups of unskilled workers as part of corporate social responsibility projects, the challenge is to make the training worthwhile. The content and level needs to match the ability of the target group but at the same time the goal is to award the beneficiaries with a proper qualification to find a job. With the Solar Assistant Course, we are combining these two aspects. The course has been developed in close collaboration with solar installation companies and EPCs to upskill workers in a way that they become a useful resource on PV sites, and includes exit level outcomes that form part of QCTO SP-251009 “Workplace Essential Skills”. Realistically, they are not yet full solar installers but are definitely ready to be trained further on the job; a win-win situation for all.

Still not sure which option is suitable for your cohort? Contact us for individual offers and to discuss options that match expectations and budget.

Customised training content

Those who have prepared a training themselves know that training development takes time. Especially when not only slides need to be created but handouts, exercises, additional learning material and so on. At GREEN we have built up a pool of learning material that is available for regular and tailored training.

Depending on the needs and budget of our customers we have three options for tailored training:
1. Book an existing course as it is; adjustments can be made regarding location and timing of course
2. We adjust an existing course, swap out single modules to be a better fit but all is based on existing content.
3. We develop a course for you from scratch, completely customised.

In a first consultation we will ask a couple of questions about your training goals, target group and time frame. In most cases we will be able to quote you on a solution that fulfils both your training and budget requirements.

In our network we have trainers with all kinds of backgrounds, which means that for almost every solar-related topic we have a subject matter expert and can create an individual training.

Training at your own premises

When training larger groups, especially in remote areas, transport often becomes a challenge and a driving factor for the training costs. Our trainers are willing to travel and are able to offer solar training basically everywhere if there is a projector and flipchart available! Even basic practical training can be carried out: we have solar experimental kits and small portable equipment for showcase.

For full practical training including an installation on a training roof it is usually easier to use our premises than equipping a workshop locally. We have at least three mock roofs available at each of our academies and can easily host even larger groups for practical training.

You can share your expectations, plans and concerns with us and we can create a solution around that.

Request your own tailored training today

Do you have groups that need training? Whether they need theory only, practical only, or a combination, we have the experience and facilitators to suit. The more information we have, the sooner we can respond with a training custom-made for your team – please complete the form below so that we can get in touch with you:

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