Earn CPD points with short courses in solar
How to ensure your Continuing Professional Development

Earning your CPD points through solar training courses like those offered by GREEN Solar Academy not only benefits you personally but also contributes to the overall growth and development of your profession.
In an ever-changing professional world, the need for ongoing learning is more important than ever. Think back to when you first started working or where you were professionally a few years ago. Chances are, a lot has changed – in the way you work, the workplace culture, the technology you use…
To stay competitive and up-to-date in your field, professional development is essential. One of the key ways to achieve this is through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs, which award you CPD points.
How CPD Points Work in South Africa
CPD, or Continuing Professional Development, is a way to keep track of and record the time you spend on training, your growing knowledge, expertise, and experiences beyond your everyday work. It’s a program designed to encourage members of professional bodies to improve their academic and professional skills. These skills are recognized in the form of CPD points or hours.
In South Africa, CPD points are granted through membership in a professional body. These bodies also approve CPD-accredited courses. Upon completing these courses, participants receive CPD points, which they can claim through their professional body membership.
Members of these professional bodies usually need to gather a certain number of CPD points or hours within a specific period. With some professional bodies, CPD is the only way that you can stay professionally registered.
For instance, the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) mandates that registered practitioners need to accumulate at least twenty-five (25) CPD credits over a five-year period in order to renew their registration. CPD is thus a system that ensures professionals keep improving their skills and knowledge to stay competent and updated in their fields.

Why are GREEN courses accredited for CPD?
Very often participants ask if our courses are accredited with QCTO. To answer this question, one has to understand what is the role of QCTO. The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) oversees the design, implementation, assessment and certification of occupational qualifications.
At GREEN we do not offer full qualifications; instead we offer short-term professional courses, ideal for continuous education. Our courses target professionals who already have a qualification or work experience, who want to upskill their knowledge or prepare themselves to start to work in the PV industry. And this is why our courses are SAIEE accredited.
QCTO is granted to full qualifications, which is why GREEN’s short-term professional courses, ideal for continuous education, are accredited with the SAIEE instead.
SAIEE, the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, is a professional association for electrical and electronic engineers, technologists, and technicians and as such is listed with ECSA, the Engineering Council of South Africa. SAIEE is a professional body which offers trainings to its members but also endorses training programmes from external training providers.
Since 2017 our courses have been endorsed by SAIEE. And every 3 years we are required to renew the validation, which involves undergoing an extensive evaluation process to show that the training programme, the trainers and the venues meet the expectations of SAIEE/ECSA.
SAIEE validated GREEN Courses
In 2023, we requested CPD validation by SAIEE in accordance with ECSA for four of our courses: 5 CPD Points for the 5-day SuperSolarSchool PV GreenCard Training (fulfilling your annual requirement of 5 CPD points under ECSA Category 1: Development Activities), 3 CPD Points for the 3-day Commercial PV Design, 2 CPD points for the practical 2-day PV Mounter training and 1 CPD point for the 1-day Compliance for PV Systems course.
Benefits of CPD Courses for Electricians and Engineers
CPD points are invaluable for electricians and engineers in South Africa. They are the key to maintaining professional relevance, staying competitive, and advancing in your career. By earning CPD points through solar training courses like those offered by GREEN Solar Academy, you not only benefit personally but also contribute to the overall growth and development of your profession. So, keep track of your CPD points and embrace lifelong learning for a successful and thriving career.
Make more valuable connections
By taking part in any of these solar training courses, in addition to the CPD points you amass, you enjoy benefits such as personal and career growth, access to exclusive resources, networking opportunities, and staying informed about legislative changes relevant to your industry.
You also become part of the #GREENetwork, Africa’s largest installer network connecting installers new and seasoned to each other to learn, advise and collaborate. The #GREENetwork also gives you access to industry policy makers and the manufacturers and distributors of the components proven to perform in our rugged climates and with strong after-sales channels in place.