GREEN Solar Training now in Port Elizabeth
GREEN Solar Academy is excited to announce the opening of another Academy branch in South Africa. Together with Genergy, we are very pleased to be able to offer high-quality solar training in Port Elizabeth.
Genergy has been offering the SAPVIA 5-day course as part of the PV GreenCard training since 2017. After Astrid Forbes, Operation Director at Genergy, and Antje Klauss-Vorreiter, Director of GREEN Solar Academy, got in touch through their joint work in the SAPVIA PV GreenCard Skills Development Committee, they decided to join forces.
With the partnership, the training offered in the Eastern Cape can be expanded to include advanced and basic level courses in addition to the 5-day course. Following GREEN’s unique approach and quality assurance system, the training sessions in Port Elizabeth are based on the same training materials and guidelines as at the other GREEN Academy locations. As a result, participants can expect the same high quality of training, no matter if they are attending a course in Johannesburg, Cape Town, or P.E.
In Port Elizabeth, the 5-day PV GreenCard course will now be offered as GREEN training under the name SuperSolarSchool. It aligns with the SAPVIA PV GreenCard certification, which is an industry-driven quality standard and considered a de facto trade test. Additionally, it is awarded 5 CPD points by the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers, SAIEE.
The first training course will take place from 30 November to 4 December 2020 at Genergy’s Head Office in Port Elizabeth, with a second course scheduled for 22-26 February 2021. And from 2021, a 2-day hands-on installation course, the “PV Mounter”, and a 3-day solar design course “Designer for commercial size PV systems” will also be offered at the new academy location. Furthermore, GREEN and Genergy are planning to open a SAPVIA PV GreenCard Assessment center in Port Elizabeth so that solar installers from the Eastern Cape can undergo the full PV GreenCard certification process without having to travel to Gauteng or the Western Cape.

PV GreenCard Assessment
GREEN specializes in practical training where installers, engineers, and entrepreneurs are equipped with the skills to design, plan and quote for state-of-the-art PV systems and to install and operate them, all in an interactive and effective way. Genergy, as a private solar solutions provider, priding itself on in-house world-class energy audits, engineering and design, and the installation and maintenance of solar energy systems bring in a lot of experience in the industry. They are therefore the ideal partner to support GREEN in its mission to spread solar education and promote a green energy industry in Africa.
How to join the rooftop revolution.
Here is some information on courses and how you can register.
SuperSolarSchool – 5-day PV GreenCard training
30 November to 4 December 2020, at Genergy in Port Elizabeth
Focus: Electrical basics, types of PV systems, components, practical installation (hands-on exercise), timeline of project planning and management, basics of PV system design, laws and regulations, PV GreenCard Assessment preparation.
Participants: business founders, technicians, electricians, electrical and civil engineers, interested citizens. No pre-knowledge required.
Duration: 5 days (40-course hours – 08:30-16:30 daily),
Accreditation: 5 CPD points Costs: R12,500 excl. VAT, discounts for alumni, and bulk registrations available upon request.
Contact: Amanda Dzivhani, 010 312 6724 or